SABATO 23 OTTOBRE ALLE ORE 19 nel Salone della Chiesa di St.Paul within the walls ( Via Napoli 58, angolo Via Nazionale - Roma )

BIRTHDAY CONCERT - Piano recital by Marco Lo Muscio

Gymnopèdie n.0 “Homage to Erik Satie”

“Galadriel” - Elf Song

Dark and Light - “The Book of Gandalf”:
Gandalf's Theme
Dream and Premonition
Gandalf's Theme
Towards the Shire
Gandalf's Theme
Towards Rivendell
The Council of Elrond
Gandalf's Theme
Gandalf and Saruman:The Battle (in Emerson's Style) Towards Valinor

Medieval Melodies:
n.1 “Théoden's Meditation”
n.2 “The Knights of Rohan”

The Hobbit Book - “Bilbo and Gandalf”:
Hobbit Dance (Bilbo's Theme)
The Presage
The arrival of Gandalf
Gandalf the Magician
Towards the Misty Mountains
The Lightning of Gandalf
Thorin's Song
The Caves and the Ring
The Courage of Bilbo and Beorn
Smaug, the Dragon (In Jarrett's Style)
The Victory
Coming back to the Shire: Bilbo and Gandalf Bilbo's Dance

Iliade: Book III

Iliade: Book XVI

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